28 July-01 August
What an epic trip! The boys from Miami came down for a 5 day/4 night charter to Ollie's Point and Witch's Rock. With the boat loaded with over 15 boards, we were ready for anything and the waves did not disappoint. Marathon morning sessions at Ollie's Point during low tide with head high waves left us exhausted as we re-energized back at the boat over a hot breakfast. For the afternoon, we headed over to Witch's Rock where the waves were well overhead and the sets were double. For the first few days the wind was howling at Witch's Rock, but towards the end the trip the winds subsided and perfect A frames with long lefts plagued the beach. In the evening, we retreated back to Ollie's Point for last light, crowd free sessions. The combination of fantastic weather, great waves and an amazing group of guys was unparrelled. I can't wait to have them back...may be even venture north to Nicaragua next time?!